Lesson Tag: Biz Classez

master sculpting secrets

Master Sculpting Secrets

Master Sculpting for less than the cost of a new set of nailz! © 2016 Nail Innovationz All Rights Reserved

Miracle Bonding System

© 2016 Nail Innovationz All Rights Reserved

The Formula to Raising & Setting Your Pricez

Not sure what to charge? Not sure if or when to raise your prices? Feel like your working for free? Unsure if you are giving too much away? Afraid if your prices are too low or too high they will scare clients away? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, this class is for you! Find out practical strategies to establishing effective pricing that can help you grow your business. Finally get paid what you are worth and be confident in your pricing!

The Schedule of Your Dreams: How to Master It

Not sure how to turn every new client into a repeat customer? Are you tired of gaps in your day or losing out on income from clients who "no show"? Are "no show's" messing up your schedule? Do you have clients who demand appointment times that don't work with your life? Not sure how to get your clients to respect your time? Feeling pressured by demanding clients and you are not sure how to say no? Are you afraid if you say no, you might loose their business!? Don't miss out on how to get every client back in your chair! Learn key strategies to keep your appointment book full with organized appointments that work for you! Take control of your schedule. Train your clients to respect your time. Find the balance & harmony between work & personal life.

20+ Ways To Advertise That Will Get You More Clients

Have you ever said or asked: How do I get more clients? Where do I find more clients? I have a social media page, but why isn't it working!? What are the best ways to advertise? How much will effective advertising cost me? How can I get my clients to promote me more? What if I don't get enough clients and I have to get another job!? Not sure how to get from where you are to where u want to be? Feeling stuck? No worries, put your advertising on steroidz! Design & create action plans that move your business forward. Grow your dream client base! Learn how to get more clients than you know what to do with!